© Uwe Langmann
The Zebra Awards is opened to any photographers who are 18 years and over. The competition will not distinguish between professionals and non-professionals.
How it works
The Zebra Awards’ entry process is split into two stages.
Once the competition closes, all confirmed submissions are judged by the TZIPAC Editorial team in Stage 1. The very low entry fee, starting from just $1 per entry, is designed to encourage a broader range of artists to participate, in the hope of discovering a multitude of marvelous artworks from budding undiscovered artists as well as established professionals, without geographic boundaries or limitations.
When the Stage 1 judging has been finalised, we will announced the results via email. Achieving a status of Stage 1 Accepted will allow you to promote your artwork with our simplistic E-badge until the final results are announced.
All Stage 1 Accepted images will be invited for ongoing submission to Stage 2. Payment for Stage 2 fees is via paypal and similar to the initial submission. Simply log into your member portfolio to check whether any of your entries have been accepted and you will be notify of the total amount of Stage 2 fees required to reconfirm your entries. Please note you will not be able to choose which Stage 1 acceptances to reconfirm but the fees are capped so you do not end up paying exorbitant fees when reconfirming many entries.
There will only be a limited time to pay for the Stage 2 fees and reconfirm your entries for the final stage of judging. This is to ensure that there are plenty of time for our jurors to complete the final judging. Juror(s) on the judging panel will score each reconfirmed Stage 1 acceptance and the average score will determine the Finalists, Category Winners and the TZIPAC Black and White Photographer of the Year.
TZIPAC look forward to seeing and showcasing the diverse and numerous artworks that will be submitted and the passionate flares and creativity of participating artists.
Abstract and Contemporary:
Entries should be either abstract or unusual in its subject matter or depict visual image that does not have an immediate association with the object world. Such works may ” isolate a fragment of a natural scene in order to remove its inherent context from the viewer”, or may “be purposely staged to create a seemingly unreal appearance from real objects”, or may “involve the use of color, light, shadow, texture, shape and/or form to convey a feeling, sensation or impression”. Abstract and contemporary artworks usually carry meanings of “greater weight than its subject matter”.ArchitecturalFine Art and Open:
This is an open category. If not only allow the freedom of interpretation and subject choices, but also allow for entries from different medium other than photography, such as painting, digital art, etc. All non-photographic artworks must be photographed for submission, and the submitted images must still comply with the images restrictions in order to qualify for judging.Landscape and Nature:
Landscape photography shows spaces and expanses within the world, usually vast and unending, rather than focusing on a specific object. Landscape photographs typically capture the presence of nature but can also focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes. Nature photography refers to a wide range of photography taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures.Nudes:
Celebrating the beauty of the human body.People and Animals:
Subject matter of your artwork should feature people and/or animals.Photojournalism/Documentary:
Capturing the moments as they happened. Every submission into this category must feature spontaneous subject or event that did not undergo posing, instructions, interruptions or interference from the photographer or third party.Portrait and Editorial
Images must be in JPG/JPEG format, 8 bit, maximum of 2000pixels on the longest side, 72 dpi, and have maximum file size of 500KB. Colour space should be RGB or sRGB.
Images must have no border, nor marks or logos identifying the artists.
If a higher resolution file is deemed necessary for fair judging we will contact you.
Rule specific to the 8th Zebra Awards:
All images must be monochrome, i.e. grayscale or toning with just one colour. The colour space can be gray scale or RGB. All images which are not strictly monochrome will be disqualified during Stage 1 judging.
Two phase entry fees system – designed to encourage a broader range of participants.
Stage 1: Initial entry fee is just $1 per image
Stage 2: Additional entry fee for submiting to Stage 2 Judging is just $20 per image with total fees capped at $100
In other words, once you confirm 5 images, any additional entries in the same session are confirmed FREE.
Special Note!!! All Stage 1 Accepted images will be invited for ongoing submission to Stage 2 for possibly an additional fees. You are asked to reconfirm ALL Stage 1 acceptance to continue – that is, YOU CANNOT CHOOSE which Stage 1 Accepted images is submitted into Stage 2. But to assure you that the acceptance is done purely on merit we are capping the additional fees so that the overall fees which you must pay will remain reasonable even if you have a lot of Stage 1 acceptances to reconfirm.